Worship and Community
First Corinthian Church is active in the community and we welcome you, your family and friends to worship and serve with us in this beautiful community of Frankfort. Please take the time to learn about our regular activities as well as upcoming events.
8:45-10am Sunday School
11:00 am Service
2:00 pm Community Outreach
7pm Bible Study
4:30-5:30pm Tutoring
4:30-5:30pm -Tutoring
Community Outreach
Our Community outreach programs consist of volunteering at the Helping Hands Member Food Bank, creating Holiday baskets for our members and monthly service at Bradford Square Rehabilitation Center.
Tutoring is facilitated by New Day Ministries and is held two days a week for all children in the Frankfort community. Tutoring services are provided by members of our church as well as several Fraternity and Sorority groups from the Kentucky State University.
New Day Ministry/ New Beginnings
New Day Ministries is an intensive outpatient drug and alcohol
treatment/recovery program. Participants are taught from the curriculum
of the 12 step program. Please contact us for additional information.